Asset Protection Services of America Trust
Asset Protection Services of America Trust

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APSA Webinars

by Jay Butler
Is a "Series" Limited Liability Company akin to putting all your eggs in one basket or can a Series LLC truly provide asset protection through the segregation of subsidiary assets and liabilities?
Originally designed to assist investment companies in the mutual fund industry avoid a multitude of SEC filings, Delaware introduced special interest legislation in 1996 to enable one company to act as an ‘umbrella’ for the activities of all their individual client funds. Such a strategy has also been successfully implemented internationally with...

by Jay Butler
A Revocable Living Trust is a document created while you are still alive and may be amended or revoked by you at any time. In order to best understand how a revocable living trust can benefit you, it is helpful to first understand...

by Jay Butler

by Jay Butler
Low-Risk Assets are assets of intrinsic value which are not subject to creating a lawsuit such as cash, stocks, bonds, CDs, gold and silver, furs, jewelry and artwork, etc.
High-Risk Assets are assets of intrinsic value which may cause a lawsuit such as your home, cars, boats, planes, equipment, rental properties and businesses, etc.
Low-Risk and High-Risk Assets are like oil and water in that they do not mix! Why not? Because of the difference between “Inside and Outside Lawsuits” which is our focus today....
by Jay Butler
Originally the ‘Charging Order’ came into existence under the 1914 passage of the Uniform Partnership Act (UPA), but it had unintended consequences for other partners in that a judgment creditor could force the seizure of partnership assets and sell the debtor partner’s interests, often causing a compulsory dissolution....
Asset Protection
It is imperative, therefore, that you understand the difference between “Inside and Outside Lawsuits” as explained in our publication “Cover Your Assets (3rd Edition)”. Personal liability protection varies greatly from one State to the next and knowing in which states it is preferable to incorporate is paramount to your overall success.
Knowing how to best make use of “Land Trusts” when holding title to real property is of tremendous help to real estate investors. Our publication entitled “Operations Manual” provides you with nearly 250 pages of forms on “How To” make the most out of your entity including resolutions, agreements, contracts, minutes, meetings and much more!
Tax Strategies
In our publication “Bookkeeping in About an Hour”, with a foreword by Tax Attorney Mr. Scott M. Estill, we alphabetically list every “Tax Deductible Item” and “Medical Expense Deduction” we could locate in the Internal Revenue Code for entities filing an 1120 tax election. Each deduction listed is provided with the corresponding Standard Federal Tax Report Paragraph, Revenue Ruling, Code Section and/or Regulation.
When "Incorporating Offshore" or obtaining "Economic Citizenship", as described in our respective publications, be very careful when researching 'international tax havens'. Although other countries may not possess any tax liabilities for Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBO) in their jurisdiction, that does not mean you are void of any tax consequences in your tax-resident country. Remember, in the United States, “all worldwide income, wheresoever derived, is taxable!”

732 South 6th Street
Suite N
Las Vegas, NV 89101-6948
Office (775) 461-5255
Fax (775) 461-1155
30 North Gould Street
Suite N
Sheridan, WY 82801-6317
Office (307) 215-7701

Business Hours
Monday – Friday
8 Hours a Day
9:00 am to 5:00 pm (Eastern)
8:00 am to 4:00 pm (Central)
7:00 am to 3:00 pm (Mountain)
6:00 am to 2:00 pm (Pacific)
Closed on Holidays
Primary Services Include
C Corp
S Corp
Non-Profit Corp
Limited Liability Companies
Single-Member LLC
Multi-Member LLC
Series LLC
Limited Partnerships
Limited Partnership
Land Trust
Irrevocable Spendthrift Trust

Do You Know Jesus?
“Equipping a warrior class of Christians for the days ahead... to be a confident,
resolute, enduring, forcible and effective people who know their God.
A people whose identity is deeply rooted in the Living Water of Christ Jesus
and who boldly stand in His power as they go forth and do exploits!"
~Jamie Walden

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