Asset Protection Services of America Trust
Do You Know Jesus?

“Equipping a warrior class of Christians for the days ahead... to be a confident,
resolute, enduring, forcible and effective people who know their God.
A people whose identity is deeply rooted in the Living Water of Christ Jesus
and who boldly stand in His power as they go forth and do exploits!"
~Jamie Walden

“The word life has 'if' in the middle of it because no one has an assurance of tomorrow.
It is analogous to an hour glass where we can only see how much sand is at the bottom of our glass (our age),
but none of us knows how much sand is left in the top of our hour glass (how much time remains in our life).
If you have not fallen on your knees and accepted Christ Jesus into your heart and confessed him with your
mouth as Lord and savior, then please do so right now. Only Jesus will protect your ultimate asset - your soul.”
~Jay Butler
23 Minutes in Hell
“One man's story about what he saw,
heard, and felt in that place of torment."
~Bill Wiese